It's hard to believe that a month of fourth year has already passed. I just finished my rotation in ophthalmology and it was great to finally have my weekends and evenings off. Coming off the Trauma and Emergency Surgery rotation, it was a welcome relief. There was finally some time to catch up with old friends and enjoy the outdoors. After third year, I had almost forgot what daylight looked like.
This weekend, I took the chance to drive out to West Texas. I guess it has been over three months since I have been out here. Anna, my youngest neice in Snyder didn't even recognize me. Weather permitting, there might be a chance to get up flying this weekend. It has been a while since I have been up. I guess it was one of those hobbies that has been neglected during medical school.
Last Friday, one of the ladies in my assembly gave me a DVD that had a 45 minute ABC (Australian) film peice about the "Exclusive Brethren" in New Zealand and Australia. From what I could tell it was about the group known as the "Taylorites." Interesting stuff. Over the past 10-15 years, I have met a good amount of various shades "open" and "closed" brethren. I don't know that I have ever run across any "exclusives" though. It is such a shame that there are so many small pockets of "brethren" across the continent that really don't have much to do with each other.
Well, the weather in Dallas has been unreasonably hot for the past few weeks so I thought I would throw in a picture of the snow.