Saturday, April 19, 2008

Back from Trip

I just arrived back in Dallas a few hours ago, but am still wide awake. It might take a day or two to adjust to the eight hour time change. The trip was great. I am quite worried. I purchased a new memory card for my camera before leaving on the trip. It contains about 1000 or so photos, including 99% of the Israel portion of my trip. For some reason, my computer is not wanting to read the card. Hopefully this is something that can be resolved tomorrow.

Here are a few photos from the Egypt and Jordan portion of the trip. The first two are near Cairo at the pyramids and sphinx. The next one is of one of the camels I rode on my hike up Mt. Sinai. The last one is of Petra.


Leslie Hutchins said...

You didn't tell me you were going to Egypt! I love the photos & I am glad you made the trip home safe & sound.

Bethany said...
